Workforce planning: right people, right skills

Past Event

Thursday, 18 November 2021

7:00pm - 9:00pm

How to develop the right people with the right skills

Staff recruitment, development and retention remains one of the biggest headaches that most farm owners and managers face and yet there are solutions and approaches that some farms are taking that result in waiting lists of staff to join their farms. So, if it is easy to get it right, why are so many farmers struggling with this part of their business?

Join our engaging two-part series to find out how you can get the most out of your team. The workshops will be held online and will provide you with a great opportunity to learn from others.


To register, please pick a group from the options below. The workshops are split into two sessions to allow you to implement and reflect on the discussions and learnings.

Note, it is important that you can join both dates for whichever group you choose. 

Session 1 Session 2 Book your place
Group 1 10am – 12pm on 18 November 9am  1 pm on 30 November FULLY BOOKED
Group 2 7pm  9pm on 18 November 2pm  6pm on 30 November Register for group 2
Group 3 10am – 12pm on 18 November 9am  1pm on 1 December Register for group 3
Group 4 7pm – 9pm on 18 November 2pm – 6pm on 1 December FULLY BOOKED

What will the workshops cover?

Session 1: Introduction (2 hours)

  • Introduction to the VUCA world – volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity
  • Developing a skills matrix to map employees' skills and levels
  • SWOT analysis – identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
  • Outlining a personal assignment 

Session 2: Right people, right skills (4 hours with breaks)

  • The ASK Performance Improvement Model – having effective conversations as a manager to improve performance
  • Identifying and overcoming barriers to success
  • Small group work, reviewing assignments
  • Transfer of learning – putting it into practice

Further information

If you would like to discuss any aspect of the sessions, please contact Amie Burke on or 07741 628597.

CPD points will be available if you attend both sessions.

We are running this training in conjunction with Leadership and Management development consultants ASK Europe. View ASK Europe's Privacy Policy.



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.


T 07391408241

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