Wisbech Monitor Farm launch and summer meeting

Past Event - booking closed

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Peartree Farm, Mill Road, Walpole Highway, Wisbech, Norfolk

PE14 7QJ

Join us for the on-farm launch of Wisbech Monitor Farm.

Andrew and Sam Melton look forward to welcoming you to see, hear about and discuss the H Melton & Son business and for you to feed into what you would like to see over the next three years of the programme.

This is your opportunity as a Cambridgeshire, Norfolk or Lincolnshire farmer, agronomist or advisor to get involved in the local Monitor Farm to you.

We will join the Melton’s for a farm walk that will cover:

  • Introduction to the farm business, including soil type and cropping
  • A look at the machinery and equipment on the farm – costings and set-up
  • Grain storage and diversifications for the business
  • Catch crop and establishment try-out, which has been taking place since last autumn – what method is showing the best effect so far? What can we learn for the season ahead?

There will also be the opportunity to feed into a SWOT analysis for the business at the beginning of the Monitor Farm journey and to identify key local issues and topics that you would be interested to cover over the next three years.

Andrew, Sam and Teresa look forward to seeing you in June.


  • Andrew Melton and Sam Melton, Wisbech Monitor Farm hosts
  • Teresa Meadows - AHDB KEM (event organiser)

Times and how to book

Due to coronavirus restrictions, two sessions will be run (09:30 – 11:30 and 13:30 – 15:30) limited to 30 people each time.  Please book onto your preferred session using the following links: 

Refreshments will not be provided on this occasion, but bottled water will be available.

We will be outside for a farm walk, so please bring appropriate footwear and clothing for the weather.  Hand sanitiser stations will be available and social distancing measures will be in place.

To read the AHDB COVID events protocol, please click here.

BASIS and NRoSO points will be available for this on-farm meeting.


