Weaning, parasites and pasture

Past Event - booking closed

Monday, 03 June 2024

1:30pm - 5:00pm

New House Farm, Hayton's Bent, Ludlow, Shropshire


The impacts of Schmallenberg virus and a lengthy wet winter/spring on ewes, lambs and pasture has been keenly felt. Join us as we support Marches Farm Vets at their upcoming farm open day.

Join us to review:

  • Weaning decisions based on ewe body condition score, lamb growth rates and pasture availability
  • Setting up a grazing rotation for lambs for high performance
  • Known and emerging parasitic diseases and the sustainable control of parasites

We will also discuss how best to support performance, mitigate impacts from disease and weather events, and enhance resilience in your production system.


  • Emily Postlethwaite, Marches Farm Vets
  • Matt Blyth, Blyth Livestock Advisory Services
  • Sarah Morgan, Precision Grazing

The event will be followed by BBQ (weather permitting) PLUS a free faecal egg count – bring along a fresh poo sample and find out about worm burdens and treatment options for your lambs – at Marches Farm Vets, Unit 3 Church Farm Studios, Stanton Lacy, Ludlow SY8 2AE.

Due to limited availability, sign up early to reserve your space.

 Company logos of Marches Farm Vets, Precision Grazing and Elanco

Blyth Livestock logo



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.

E office@marchesfarmvets.co.uk
