Talking Leaders: What does it take to get someone to the moon?

Past Event

Thursday, 15 December 2022

11:30am - 12:15pm

Bonnie Huval is a former space shuttle and Spacelab engineer from the NASA Johnson Space Center. For a while, she led the team that tested space shuttle communication systems to find out exactly how they would behave under every conceivable mission condition. She also wrote some of the software to handle life science experiment data from Spacelab.

After leaving the space programme, she became an independent consultant. She is often involved in complex, strategically important projects with daunting technology and business process challenges. Bonnie has a knack for solving problems by looking at them upside down or sideways.

Join our broadcast for an insight into the world of a former space shuttle engineer and to be inspired to look at problems through a different lens.

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