Talking Leaders: Walk with me

Past Event

Monday, 15 January 2024

11:30am - 12:30pm

Join this online broadcast with Chris Manley, Nuffield Farming Scholar.

To help others and raise awareness for mental health, Chris set up a campaign called ‘Walk with me,’ which aims to break the stigma surrounding mental health and create a safe space for people to talk. In this broadcast, we'll learn more about the campaign and what it means to Chris.

Chris Manley

Chris has spent his career working in the food supply chain for large supermarkets and dairy and beef processors. This has involved providing strategic agricultural insight into the sourcing of beef, lamb, poultry meat and dairy, with a focus on managing supply, achieving high animal health and welfare standards and leading on projects with producers for sustainable and environmentally progressive farming practices.

Chris is a Nuffield Farming Scholar who recently presented his report on ‘Leading your farm to success, by knowing yourself, your team and your community.’ He grew up in a farming family near the village of Hemyock in the heart of the Blackdown Hills in East Devon and stuided Agriculture at Harper Adams University.

Join this online broadcast to find out more about Chris and the 'walk with me' campaign.

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