Talking Leaders: One tool that could improve productivity by 60%

Past Event

Thursday, 20 June 2024

11:30am - 12:30pm

With vast experience of the agriculture and food sector, Amie Burke will share why diversity is so important in the workplace, whether that's in an office or on farm.

Amie will provide insights and learnings from the IGD, which demonstrates best practice and enhances the bottom line.

Join our broadcast for insight on diversity in the workplace and to find out how you could improve productivity in your business by up to 60%.

Find out more about our AgriLeader activities and other Talking Leaders broadcasts

Amie Burke

Amie has spent 15 years working in the agriculture sector, from banking to business improvement across the whole supply chain.

After four years travelling internationally helping clients with their sustainability goals, auditing and providing solutions for supplying farmers in places like Brazil, Guatemala, China, Madagascar and Vietnam, Amie took a role with AHDB to focus on people sustainability in UK farming.

Supporting development of new apprenticeships, hands-on workshops developing leadership skills and delivering accredited training for upcoming managers provided insight and experience for Amie’s current role with IGD as Inclusivity Programme Manager.

As a passionate LGBTQ+ member, Amie takes her knowledge and emotional intelligence to deliver insight, best practice and a reverse mentoring programme for the FMCG industry, helping to inspire change and support businesses to create inclusive workplaces where everyone can thrive!


IGD is an organisation of two vital and interconnected communities, Commercial Insight and Social Impact. Together; they are working to drive change that makes a tangible difference for society, business and the individual.

They provide trusted data and insight, straight from the heart of retail.


If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.


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