Hereford Monitor Farm launch meeting

Past Event - booking closed

Monday, 19 July 2021

6:00pm - 9:00pm

Hampton Wafre Farm, Docklow, Leominster, Herefordshire


Join us for the on-farm launch of Hereford Monitor Farm.

Jack Hopkins, Martin Carr, Adam Lewis & Rob Beaumont look forward to welcoming you to see, hear about and discuss the their businesses and for you to feed into what you would like to see over the next three years of the programme.

At this launch meeting, Tim Parton (Brewood Park Farm) and Kate Speke-Adams (Wye & Usk Foundation) will also be quizzing the new hosts in the ‘Hereford Monitor Farm Dragons Den’.  

The launch will give those attending the opportunity to analyse the businesses of the Hereford Monitor Farm hosts and identify the key issues which need to be addressed to ensure that they are operating profitable and sustainable businesses. Topics could include:

  • Introduction to the farm business, including current performance and direction of travel
  • The vulnerability of each of the host farms business models to life post-subsidies.
  • A discussion around soil machinery policy, soil health and carbon management on the farms.
  • Crop establishment – what methods are showing the best effect so far? What can we learn for the season ahead?
  • Grain storage and diversifications for the businesses

BASIS and NRoSO points will be available for this on-farm meeting.

Jack, Martin, Adam, Rob & Richard look forward to seeing you in July.

Hot food will be served at the conclusion of the meeting. Dependent to the easing of coronavirus restrictions on 19th July, the number of attendees to this meeting may be limited - booking is therefore essential.  Hand sanitiser stations will also be available and the current social distancing measures will be in place. To read the AHDB COVID events protocol, please click here.



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.


T 07717493015
