Contents tagged with trade

13 July 2021

Japanese pig meat imports (inc. offal) totalled 244,800 tonnes in the first quarter of 2021 (January – March), dropping back 6% compared to the same period in 2020.

13 July 2021

Analysis of trade figures shows a decline in the volume of pig meat (including offal) traded between the 27 EU member states in 2020.

13 July 2021

UK exports of pig meat products returned to growth in February

13 July 2021

The latest data from HMRC shows traded volumes of sheep meat remained lower year-on-year in February.

13 July 2021

Last week the president signed an executive order to temporarily lower tariffs on imported pork.

30 January 2024

Global trade of dairy products increased by 2.8% in 2020, in spite of the impact the pandemic had on markets and economies.

30 January 2024

Despite shocking scenes of livestock trapped in floodwater, the overall impact on Australian milk production is expected to be small.

18 November 2022

Independent evidence-based analysis on the opportunities and challenges for the sheep sector over the next 10 years

14 July 2021

According to the latest data from HMRC, UK beef exports dropped back notably in January

30 January 2024

The UK trade surplus for all dairy products fell in 2020. A large part of this was the increase in the trade deficit of yogurt, which grew by 54k tonnes (29%) to reach 237k tonnes in 2020.

18 March 2021

New analysis highlights the risks and the opportunities a new trade deal with the US may bring for UK food and farming

10 May 2024

Independent evidence-based analysis on a possible US/UK trade deal to cut through the speculation and answer the questions on the minds of UK producers, consumers and the wider agri-food sector.
