Contents tagged with production

30 January 2024

The variable weather this year has been reflected in this year's grass silage crop.

13 July 2021

In Q2 2020, the estimated net margin for GB pig production was 12p/kg deadweight or £10/head.

30 January 2024

In the W/E 15 August, GB daily milk deliveries averaged 32.21 million litres down 1.7% on the previous week.

30 January 2024

As at 1 July, there was a total of 1.68 million dairy cows in the milking herd, 2.9% less than at the same point in the previous year.

30 January 2024

English milk production is estimated at 9,076 million litres for 2019/20, just 0.2% higher than the level estimated in 2018/19.

30 January 2024

Scottish milk production is estimated at 1,507 million litres for 2019/20, 1.9% higher than the level estimated in 2018/19.

13 July 2021

During July, UK lamb kill recorded strong growth, largely driven by Eid-al-Adha. In the month 1.27 million lambs came forwards, up 17% (183,000 head) on-the-year and 29% (286,000 head) higher than in June 2020.

30 January 2024

Welsh milk production is estimated at 1,976 million litres for 2019/20, just 0.2% higher than the level estimated in 2018/19.

30 January 2024

After many farmers reduced their spring milk production, our estimates suggest production is now back in line with where it would have been without those reductions.

30 January 2024

Farmers knocked an estimated 55 million litres off volumes in GB through April and May. But how did they manage it?

31 July 2020

Will pig meat production increase again? A look at the UK pork industry, trade and domestic consumption.

30 January 2024

Over the next decade (2020-2029), global milk production is expected to rise by 1.6% per annum.
