Contents tagged with production

30 January 2024

Our latest survey suggests there were an estimated 8,310 dairy producers in GB in October 2020, down 4.7% on last year.

13 July 2021

UK sheep meat production totalled 26,800 tonnes during September, holding steady year-on-year, according to data from Defra.

30 January 2024

Milk production from the 6 key dairy producing regions is currently running 1.7% ahead of last year, led by the EU and US in volume terms.

30 January 2024

GB milk production is provisionally estimated to have been 998m litres in September, 0.9% above last year

14 July 2021

In the last two years, we have seen the heifer slaughter proportion increase.

30 January 2024

Milk production estimates increased by 17ml due to revised data being provided

30 January 2024

The latest milk production forecast has a knock-on impact on milk solids production, a key factor for processors

13 July 2021

The latest physical performance data shows an overall poorer performance within the feeding herd in the 12 months to June 2020.

30 January 2024

GB milk production for 2020/21 is now expected to reach 12.48bn litres, according to our September forecast update.

30 January 2024

All major milk producing regions within Europe have recorded an uplift in milk solids this year so far.

13 July 2021

The GB breeding herd continued to show positive gains in the 12-months ending June 2020.

13 July 2021

During August UK sheep meat production totalled 27,300 tonnes, down 6% (1,600 tonnes) year-on-year, according to Defra data. Much of the decline can be attributed to Eid-al-Adha falling in July this year rather than August as it did last year.
