Contents tagged with prices

13 July 2021

Last week liveweight hogget prices made a small week-on-week gain, only to lose ground this week. The GB liveweight OSL SQQ slipped almost 4p during the week ending 22 April.

30 January 2024

Reduced demand for the core products of WMP and SMP has prompted a fall of 4.2% in the GDT Price Index at the latest trading event.

13 July 2021

GB finished pig prices moved up in the week ending 18 April.

13 July 2021

During the week ending 15 April, the GB liveweight OSL SQQ gained 3p, to 216.28p/kg. Prices are once again above previous year levels, although significantly lower than pre-lockdown levels.

30 January 2024

Falling cream value reduces cream income to a liquid processor to lowest level since May 2016.

30 January 2024

As the European wholesale SMP price continues to fall, could we see sellers turning to intervention in the near future?

13 July 2021

Liveweight prices have increased this week, although the increase was weighted towards earlier in the week. The GB liveweight OSL SQQ increased by 10.9p, to 213.0p/kg.

13 July 2021

Finished pig prices continued to rise in the w/e 4 April, despite the market uncertainty.

14 July 2021

Demand for mince has been exceptional in recent weeks. This change in demand does pose some challenges for the value of the carcase.

30 January 2024

EU public intervention for butter and skimmed milk powder (SMP) opened last month, and will be open for its usual period of 1 March to 30 September in 2020.

30 January 2024

Weekly update of dairy markets 30 March - 3 April

13 July 2021

The GB liveweight OSL SQQ fell a further 18.6p, to 202.15p/kg, in the week ending 1 April. Taking the last two weeks together, prices have dropped by 47.9p/kg.
