Contents tagged with prices

30 January 2024

We look at the reasons why certain processors have announced such dramatic price changes.

13 July 2021

The past week has been firmly spilt in two for the GB lamb market. The weekly GB liveweight OSL SQQ fell almost 30p in the week ended 25 March, to 220.76p/kg.

13 July 2021

Yesterday liveweight lamb prices fell sharply. The daily GB OSL SQQ declined by almost 73p week-on-week, which is equivalent to around £30/head, to 188.64p/kg.

30 January 2024

EU dairy futures have shifted down as the impact of the virus continued to be felt across the industry

13 July 2021

During the week ending 4 March, the GB OSL liveweight SQQ increased 3.5p, to 238.39p/kg.

30 January 2024

Standard litre and actual milk prices have diverged over recent months, but why?

30 January 2024

The Global Dairy Trade price index was down 2.9% following the 18 February event.

30 January 2024

UK farmgate prices remained remarkably steady across 2019, despite the uncertainty.

14 July 2021

In the week ended 1 February the GB all prime average remained steady at 331.9p/kg.

13 July 2021

Lamb farmgate prices have again recorded some week-on-week rises. In the week ended 29 January, the GB liveweight OSL SQQ increased 4p.

14 July 2021

Movements on GB prime deadweight markets were relatively mixed in the week ending 25 January.
