Liveweight lamb prices marginally up

Thursday, 9 April 2020

By Rebecca Wright

Liveweight prices have increased this week, although the increase was weighted towards earlier in the week. The GB liveweight OSL SQQ increased by 10.9p, to 213.0p/kg, for the week ended 8 April. Prices remain below pre-lockdown levels by over 35p.

Throughputs have somewhat recovered, although remain exceptionally low. Numbers increased from 30,000 head last week, to 97,000 head. With time to adapt to the new trading rules brought in post-lockdown, more markets operated this week. There was also an increase in throughputs at markets that were open last week.

Reflecting previous tough weeks for liveweight prices, the GB deadweight OSL SQQ dropped almost 77p in the week ended 4 April, to 439.9p/kg. The quote is now below year-earlier levels and the five-year average. Estimated kill* for the week totalled 172,000 head, the lowest weekly kill, apart from Christmas weeks, since May 2018.  Typically during the couple of weeks running up to Easter, we would expect kill to be more like 260,000 head each week.

With prices dropping before Easter there has been much concern for the post-Easter market. Lamb sales in Britain are particularly struggling with the switch from foodservice to retail demand.

However, this week reports from France suggest a slight improvement in demand for British carcases. While supermarkets are still not stocking British lamb, some outdoor markets and independent butcher shops are re-opening. Reports indicate many French butchers were hoping to make use of government support schemes, but the support is taking longer to come through than expected. Therefore, some are beginning to re-open their shops just in time for Easter.

Ramadan begins on 23 April, which typically offers support to demand both here and on the continent. However, the support may not be as large as in previous years due to social distancing measures.

*estimated kill figures should be treated with caution, as a larger share of animals than usual may have been sold deadweight, given the temporary disruption to some live markets. This would reduce the accuracy of the estimate.

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