Contents tagged with Weekly Market Report

14 July 2021

Global beef and veal production* is expected to reach 61.86 million tonnes CWE in 2020.

13 July 2021

During November, UK lamb kill totalled 1.2 million head, a similar number to in November 2018 but down just over 60,000 head month-on-month.

13 July 2021

The number of lambs on UK farms on the 1 June 2019 is pegged at 16.7 million head.

14 July 2021

Exports have increased so far this year, although they continue to account for less than a fifth of domestic production. Although export volumes are higher, export prices are lower.

14 July 2021

During October, UK exports of fresh and frozen beef continued on the trend of 2019, recording another year-on-year increase.

14 July 2021

During Q3 2019, GB cattle registrations totalled 608,800 head

14 July 2021

Much attention has been paid to UK exports so far this year, which have been increasing in volume, but at lower prices. But, what has been happening on the import side, and perhaps more importantly why?

14 July 2021

The GB cattle population as at 1 October 2019 fell compared to last year.

13 July 2021

With a current GB auction market store lamb price of around £57/head, how much room is there for store buyers to add value?

14 July 2021

China has upped its protein imports since an outbreak of African Swine Fever (ASF) last year, but what effect has this had on farmgate prices around the world?

30 January 2024

As we enter a new decade we look at the key dynamics playing out in the dairy market and how they might influence the markets in the coming year

30 January 2024

Australia is currently facing extensive and severe bush fires, including in several key dairying regions.
