Contents tagged with Weekly Market Report

13 July 2021

UK sheep meat production for January stood at 24,200 tonnes, unchanged from the previous year

13 July 2021

The GB OSL liveweight SQQ lamb price continued its upward trajectory in the week ended 12 February, up 8.1p to 238.9p/kg.

19 March 2020

Economic activity in China was much reduced for the New Year holiday, and then beyond as the government tried to limit the spread of coronavirus.

14 July 2021

In January, UK beef and veal production reached 78.8k tonnes. Higher avg. carcase weights compensated for the decline in prime slaughter.

30 January 2024

UK farmgate prices remained remarkably steady across 2019, despite the uncertainty.

14 July 2021

In the week ending 8 February, the GB all prime average price rose by 1.4p to settle at 333.3p/kg.

13 July 2021

The GB OSL liveweight SQQ lamb price rose sharply in the week ended 5 February, up 14.18p to 230.81p/kg

13 July 2021

Spanish exports of fresh and frozen sheep meat increased 2,000 tonnes year-on-year during the year-to Nov, to 38,000 tonnes.

30 January 2024

Over the past decade, UK average butterfat levels have been rising. This increase in the longer term is likely a reflection of changing genetics within the milking herd.

13 July 2021

With Easter approaching and tight global lamb supply many people have asked, how much New Zealand lamb could be on the shelves this Easter?

30 January 2024

On 15 January, the US and China signed their 'phase one' trade deal. US exports of dairy are likely to benefit from the deal.

30 January 2024

In 1974, average per capita consumption was 140 litres per year, in 2018 average per capita consumption was 70 litres per year.
