Contents tagged with Weekly Market Report

30 January 2024

The UK saw an annual increase in milk solids over the second half of 2019. This has also happened in the EU but by less significant amounts.

14 July 2021

In the week ended 1 February the GB all prime average remained steady at 331.9p/kg.

14 July 2021

Cattle throughputs across the EUROP grid in England and Wales and Scotland, 2019

14 July 2021

The deadweight cattle price has been pressured throughout 2019, but what effect has this had on stores

13 July 2021

Lamb farmgate prices have again recorded some week-on-week rises. In the week ended 29 January, the GB liveweight OSL SQQ increased 4p.

28 January 2022

A new report published by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) suggested the increasing use of low-carbon farming practices, improving animal health, precision farming, planting more trees, restoring peatland, increasing the planted area of bioenergy crops and reducing food waste would help to achieve reductions in emissions.

13 July 2021

France and Germany have both received reduced amounts of New Zealand lamb in the year to November 2019

14 July 2021

The USDA is forecasting 2020 beef production to be 12.514 million tonnes, higher than in 2019

14 July 2021

Movements on GB prime deadweight markets were relatively mixed in the week ending 25 January.

30 January 2024

Over the last couple of years, there has been a shift away from the Holstein-Friesian breeds, in favour for crossbred cows.

30 January 2024

In mid-October 2019, the US applied retaliatory import tariffs to a wide range of EU products, including a selection of dairy products. Has this affected trade?

14 July 2021

Total beef exports (including offal) increased 13% in 2019 with the vast majority of the increase coming from a 53% increase in exports to China.
