Contents tagged with Weekly Market Report

23 October 2023

Global grain markets were generally supported last week, with Chicago wheat futures (Dec-23) and Paris milling wheat futures (Dec-23) up 1.1% and 1.2% respectively Friday to Friday.

29 November 2023

We outline the improvements we're making to our voluntary deadweight prime sheep pricing series.

20 October 2023

The latest UK beef and lamb trade data has been released by HMRC for the month of August. We explore the detail.

6 December 2023

The USDA’s latest forecasting predicts China’s beef production will grow by 2.7% in 2024 to total 7.7 million tonnes, a historically high level.

19 February 2024

NI milk prices: continuing the downward trajectory

26 April 2024

Round-up of dairy market analysis for the latest quarter

10 November 2023

Cattle production levels remain below 2022 on lower kill and lighter slaughter weights

30 January 2024

Milk deliveries in the region are forecast to end the year up 0.3% year on year despite lower cow numbers and declining milk prices.

30 January 2024

Pressure on margins remains as price inflation continues to sit at elevated levels, with key inputs maintaining a higher rate of inflation than outputs.

17 October 2023

Global grain prices for Chicago and Paris contracts (Dec-23) felt some support overall last week, buoyed by concerns over Southern Hemisphere maize and wheat crops, and the development of the ongoing Israel/Gaza war impacting energy markets.

22 May 2024

Store cattle prices have rallied in recent weeks, with market drivers including finished returns and favourable forage supply.

13 October 2023

The United States beef production is set to fall from 2022 levels, as its imports face competition from Oceania.
