Contents tagged with Weekly Market Report

19 February 2024

GDT Price Index: takes a step down at the latest event

19 February 2024

Estimated GB milk deliveries totalled 1,004 million litres in October, a drop of 29.2 million litres (2.8%) compared to the same month last year.

7 November 2023

Global grain movements were mixed last week as the market assessed Southern Hemisphere grain supply, as well as global export potential.

16 November 2023

Total pig meat imports to the UK in August were recorded at 65,600 t, an increase of 230 t compared with the previous month.

2 May 2024

The latest AHDB quarterly cost of production and margin estimations have been published for 2023 Q3.

30 October 2023

Global grain markets were slightly pressured last week. Chicago wheat futures (Dec-23) were down 1.8% Friday to Friday. Paris milling wheat futures (Nov-23) were down 3.2% over the same period.

3 November 2023

The production of beef and lamb has been hindered in 2023 by poor grass growth and high feed costs, as consumption limited by cost of living cutbacks and inflationary pressures, according to the latest EU short term outlook.

19 February 2024

AMPE and MCVE costs updated to reflect Q2 inflation change

25 October 2023

A round up of key beef market headlines.

25 October 2023

A round up of the lamb markets for September 2023.

24 October 2023

GB pig prices are influenced by a number of factors, with domestic demand being one that has seen changes in the past weeks. In this article we explore demand data for the past 12 weeks and look into pig prices.

23 October 2023

Global grain markets were generally supported last week, with Chicago wheat futures (Dec-23) and Paris milling wheat futures (Dec-23) up 1.1% and 1.2% respectively Friday to Friday.
