Contents tagged with Weekly Market Report

30 January 2024

The call for some farmers to curb milk production in April reduced overall volumes by an estimated 23 million litres of milk

13 July 2021

Finished hogget prices recorded differing movements; liveweight prices were steady to slightly softer, while deadweight prices increased. Demand is likely to be lower overall.

30 January 2024

A series of price changes following the lockdown has widened the range in farmgate milk prices.

30 January 2024

Signs of improved demand keep markets stable as we approach peak.

14 July 2021

The COVID-19 outbreak has introduced a great deal of challenges into the dairy market. Some farmers may cull less profitable, or ‘passenger’ cows to reduce costs and milk production. But what could an increase in culling rates look like, and what would be the impact on the beef supply chain?

13 July 2021

Japan's pork imports were down 2% year-on-year for the first three months of 2020.

13 July 2021

The EU-spec SPP rose marginally in the week ending 2 May, averaging 164.05p/kg.

30 January 2024

Spring 2020 short term outlook for EU dairy markets

14 July 2021

In the week ended 2 May, prime cattle prices rose by 1.5p, the all-prime price averaging 323.6p/kg.

6 May 2020

On 4 May, the EU Commission formally adopted the regulations to open a private storage aid (PSA) scheme for dairy products.

13 July 2021

Last year recorded some unusual trends for UK sheep meat trade. There were just two months when the UK was a net importer.

13 July 2021

China customs has now released import figures for March 2020.
