Contents tagged with Weekly Market Report

13 July 2021

An uplift in slaughter levels supported UK pig meat production in April.

13 July 2021

Despite some easing of lockdown measures within Europe over the past few weeks, the market for slaughter pigs has still become increasingly challenging.

30 January 2024

Applications for placing product into PSA varied across the EU, with cheese having the most uptake.

14 July 2021

After a sluggish start to the growing season, grass growth has since been more positive.

13 July 2021

The US and Canada posted impressive export performances in the first quarter of the year, with increases in both volumes and prices.

13 July 2021

GB finsihed pig prices moved up in the week ending 9 May.

30 January 2024

With dairy product markets showing sharp drops in value recently, why is the MMV not reflecting these?

30 January 2024

We take a look at what has been happening in some of the key regions for the global dairy market.

14 July 2021

During the week ending 9 May, the GB deadweight all prime average increased 0.4p, to £3.24/kg. Economic uncertainty will continue to influence the finished cattle market. This week the government made several announcements, bringing some clarity to working arrangements.

30 January 2024

We take a look at how COVID-19 has affected key input markets.

13 July 2021

GB pig feed production in Q1 2020 rose by 6% year-on-year to 498,800 tonnes.

30 January 2024

We look at how dairy farmers have been impacted differently across the various GB nations.
