Contents tagged with Coronavirus

22 March 2020

How is coronavirus affecting shopping behaviour and what does that mean for the retail and food service industries?

27 March 2020

Senior Analyst Bethan Wilkins talks through pork market movements over the past month, and what we might expect going forward, given the evolving coronavirus situation.

27 March 2020

We look at how dairy markets are being impacted by the rapid changes to consumer behaviour resulting from the spread of coronavirus.

27 March 2020

Analyst Anthony Speight discusses the impacts of pressured crude oil on the rapeseed market, increased wheat prices from global demand and key parameters to observe as we progress into the season.

20 March 2020

Sterling was volatile throughout the day as various news and information emerged, with knock-on impacts for UK feed wheat futures.

22 February 2024

Ensure that combinable crop collections from farms and their delivery to a UK port, store or final use destination are maintained through the current coronavirus situation.

1 April 2020

What we know so far in a rapidly changing picture

13 July 2021

After two months of shut down, China has begun to cautiously relax measures brought in to control the spread of coronavirus. We explore what this could mean for the global meat markets.

30 January 2024

EU dairy futures have shifted down as the impact of the virus continued to be felt across the industry

30 January 2024

We take an initial look at how the coronavirus pandemic is impacting dairy and livestock markets.

13 July 2021

We have some early indications about how the disease is affecting the supply chain in Italy

13 July 2021

There are concerns that New Zealand sheep meat originally destined for China might be diverted towards Europe. Reports from New Zealand have confirmed the diverted product has mainly headed towards the Middle East.
