Contents tagged with Coronavirus

27 March 2020

The value of sterling has continued to rally since my last GMD (Wednesday). At yesterday’s close £1=$1.220 and £1=€1.106. Sterling has continued to gain strength today. Dollar weakness is likely a key driver of the recent strength, with US data released yesterday showing a record number of citizens claiming for unemployment support.

30 January 2024

Following another week of rapid changes, we have put together a summary of the key changes and challenges facing the dairy industry.

13 November 2023

Consider possible changes to contracts, staff shortages, issues with transport, or availability of supplies and resources

25 March 2020

Consider if there are any feed or manure management issues that may arise during the outbreak of coronavirus.

25 March 2020

• The US government and senate have agreed a new stimulus package to try and reduce the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the US economy. The $2 trillion dollar package which includes a raft of measures aimed at supporting the US economy still needs to go through congress but is viewed as a step in the right direction.

7 March 2024

How retailers and consumers reacted to lockdown

14 January 2022

Questions answered on how coronavirus is affecting the agriculture and horticulture industries

14 July 2021

Using Defra and HMRC data, as well as AHDB’s own eating out review of 2019, it’s possible to approximate how supply and demand balance for each red meat in the UK.

13 July 2021

Yesterday liveweight lamb prices fell sharply. The daily GB OSL SQQ declined by almost 73p week-on-week, which is equivalent to around £30/head, to 188.64p/kg.

24 March 2020

The European Commission have recently implemented measures to ensure the free flow of goods continues.

30 January 2024

We look at whether higher retail milk sales can offset the drop in foodservice.

27 March 2020

Market analyst Hannah Clarke talks about the latest trends for beef and lamb. Lamb prices are performing well at the moment, and while beef prices are still suppressed compared to last year, they have shown positive movement over the last few weeks.
