Food safety and traceability
14 October 2024
Ergot mycotoxins can move before and after harvest.
27 February 2019
Levels of erucic acid in double-low oilseed rape crops can become elevated due to contamination from volunteers (via seeds or cross-pollination)
1 February 2019
Will you be able to comply with the new chlorate residue levels?
4 December 2018
Our new research shows allowing imports of products like chlorine-washed chicken and hormone-treated beef in a post-Brexit trade deal could negatively impact the UK meat industry
14 December 2023
New joint project important step towards sustainability framework for British beef and lamb
15 October 2018
Data sought in response to proposed maximum residue levels changes
22 January 2025
Designed for analysts who test wheat, barley and oilseed rape, these modules and publication can be used to improve the standard of testing across the UK.
18 July 2022
Glyphosate products may be used pre-harvest on a range of crops to control weeds, aid harvesting and help protect grain quality (particularly in wet harvests) and food safety. This publication outlines stewardship measures to maximise product efficacy and minimise crop residues.
16 August 2019
Report on the topic of the growth of vegans, flexitarians and plant-based food.
3 June 2019
A new agreement has been signed between AHDB and Defra setting out how AHDB could develop a new multi-species livestock traceability service for England.
25 June 2018
AHDB Senior Veterinary Manager Mandy Nevel and AHDB International Market Development Director Dr Phil Hadley (front centre) host food safety specialists from the Ukraine at AHDB's headquarters