
25 March 2019

In the latest blog, Heather Freeguard, an intern in the Pork team, tells us what she's been working on recently.

18 March 2019

In the first four years of the Real Welfare Scheme, over 8 million pigs were individually assessed by specially trained vets to provide a credible, benchmarked level of welfare at both an industry and an individual farm level. This report summarises the findings from the first four years.

18 March 2019

A practical approach to delivering clean water to your pigs

5 March 2019

Bangers and bacon boosting eating out growth for pork

6 March 2019

Pork consumer marketing campaign and the role of the social media influencer.

4 March 2019

What should pig producers consider when choosing acids to clean water systems.

4 March 2019

Foodex Japan offers real opportunities for meat exports

18 February 2019

Pork stunt shortlisted for award

14 May 2019

Join the industry's experts from around the world to look ahead to the pig industry of tomorrow.

17 April 2019

Essex Pig Discussion Group: We'll be hearing about some of the projects that students at Writtle University are working on.

24 April 2019

Structured training covering all areas of piglet weaning

10 April 2019

Structured training covering all areas of piglet weaning
