
21 July 2022

With Jon Parry, principal of Gurteen College, Ireland.

18 August 2022

With Flavian Obiero, pig farmer and Young National Pig Association (YNPA) vice-chair.

22 September 2022

With Chemmy Alcott, an English former World Cup alpine ski racer and a fiercely determined and courageous sportswoman.

20 October 2022

With Dan Sodergren, co-founder of YourFLOCK

16 February 2023

With Remy Beaumont, Founder and CEO of GEN Z TALENT and Farm Diversification UK Ltd.

17 November 2022

With Matt Phelan, co-founder of The Happiness Index

15 December 2022

With Bonnie Huval, former space shuttle and Spacelab engineer from the NASA Johnson Space Center

19 January 2023

With Rex Conyers-Silverthorn, Director at Brookfield Property UK

16 March 2023

With Steve Dunkley, HSBC's Regional Agriculture Director for Business Banking in the north.

19 May 2022

Find out what you can learn from the Jamie’s Farm principles to better support and steer young people.

3 May 2022

Read the latest blog from placement student Kerri Coffey

25 April 2022

One of many challenges you’ll face as a pig unit manager is when one of the team decides to leave.
