
7 February 2024

In this AgriLeader feature, we profile leaders from across our industry. Find out what makes Phil Jarvis tick and how he's become the leader he is today.

1 July 2024

Livestreamed discussions with social media-savvy farmers and AHDB representatives talking all things agriculture, often with a consumer angle

10 May 2024

We are launching a pilot project to help farmers deliver high-quality, safe, and memorable on-farm experiences for school children.

8 September 2023

A programme of advanced workshops for pig workers is returning after a four-year break to address the growing challenges and responsibilities in the pork industry.

24 July 2023

Mike Sheldon, Pork Sector Chair, encourages people to nominate candidates for the 2023 David Black Award

20 July 2023

We are looking for expressions of interest from trainers who can deliver our Stockperson Plus training courses

17 August 2023

Join this broadcast as we discuss careers in agriculture

30 August 2023

Find out how the Pig Industry Scholarship Programme can benefit your business

23 May 2023

Andrew Palmer, Knowledge Exchange Relationship Manager (Pork), provides an update on our stockperson training courses

23 May 2023

Pigs Tomorrow highlighted key challenges and explored innovation within the global pig farming industry

15 May 2023

For businesses interested in graduate recruitment, the Pig Industry Scholarship Programme offers great value for money

4 May 2023

What if you were told there is a way to increase efficiency and quality without making major changes?
