Tackle the bull in the room and Discuss the Undiscussabull™

Monday, 2 September 2024

Discover 10 tools that will help you address the communication issues affecting your farm with world-renowned communications and farm transition coach Elaine Froese.

Elaine, along with her colleague Lydia Carpenter, will be delivering her workshop Discuss the Undiscussabull™ at venues across England in October as part of our Roots to Resilience programme.

Amy Hughes, AHDB Senior Knowledge Exchange Manager Beef & Lamb, says:

“Having difficult conversations with family members or business partners is something that every person in the agricultural industry can relate to. We are really excited to be welcoming Elaine and Lydia in October to run these workshops, which will help equip farmers with effective communication skills and empower them to take the bull by the horns when it comes to driving their business forward.

“Farmers come across a range of barriers when trying to have these conversations and the common theme to solving them is improving communication skills. Not only does communicating well ease tension between people, it has also been found that businesses that put time aside to regularly talk through things are more profitable.”

Elaine has over 30 years’ experience working with farming families and businesses in North America, helping them to find ways to work together and prepare the farm for the next generation.

She is an award-winning author and was awarded the Farm Management Canada Wilson Loree award for excellence in Farm Business Management, as well as the Manitoba 150 Women Trailblazers award.

Elaine says:

“As a farmer and mother to the successor of our farm, I understand the culture of agriculture intimately. My passion is to share simple, practical and actionable tools with farm families and businesses so they can talk about tough issues and get traction in their farm transition. I hope to provide a catalyst for courageous conversations and conflict resolution.

“In my Discuss the Undiscussabull™ workshop, I will help you understand how things like age impact frustrations and communications style, how to identify why people don’t want to talk about certain things, what your conflict style is and how to manage this, and help you identify the key challenges for communicating effectively in your business and how to overcome them.”

Image of staff member Amy Hughes

Amy Hughes

Senior Engagement Manager – Beef & Lamb

See full bio



