
12 November 2020

This webinar is a four-part series with Adrian Cox and Christina Huelsmann-Diamond from Farm Vets, focusing on the different stages of pork production.

6 November 2020

This webinar is a four-part series with Adrian Cox from Farm Vets, focusing on the different stages of pork production. It’s designed to refresh or provide new entrants with an overview of the breeding process in pork production.

3 November 2020

Join Dr James Breen and strategic dairy farmer Adrian Bland for a session to help you understand how improvements to your dry cow environment can pay huge dividends on your farm.

13 October 2020

Sheep producers in Britain are being urged to fill in the national Sheep Breed Survey, which is an important reference point for researchers, funders and policy makers.

9 October 2020

This webinar specifically for vets looks at the practical ways vets can help farmers understand the impact of respiratory disease in their dairy replacement heifers.

9 October 2020

A look at the hidden costs of calf pneumonia and practical changes you can make to help improve the performance of your replacement heifers.

2 March 2021

Pat O'Keeffe Piggeries is a family-owned and managed piggery based in Ballylough, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork. The farm has approximately 2,200 sows. To improve farm work efficiency, a Lean programme was developed as an introduction to Lean management.

2 March 2021

Lean management, aims to optimise resources, maximise value and minimise waste. Find out about its origins and how Lean can be applied to agriculture and horticulture.

29 October 2020

Liver fluke manifests itself differently in cattle and in sheep but causes poor performance and health concerns on both accounts

14 November 2022

Simon Watchorn, former AHDB Pork Board member shows admiration for Lean practices and shares his own experience of Lean, encouraging pig producers the importance of using a smarter approach in pig production, to remain competitive in the pork industry, nationally and globally.

5 October 2020

Launching a new business-focused campaign, SmartPork, designed to implement Lean practices by encouraging business improvements and increasing cost savings.
