
9 August 2021

Hill flocks in the UK have been involved in weight recording programmes for over 50 years. The reason for flock recording is to provide breeders with an unbiased way to find those rams and ewes in the flock with the best genetic potential. This booklet explains how hill sheep producers can get involved with performance recording services and take their flock forward.

22 February 2024

Details of free farrowing system suppliers.

6 February 2023

Find out about group farrowing systems and how they differ from other free or loose farrowing solutions.

6 February 2023

Find out how zero confinement farrowing pens differ from conventional systems.

11 August 2021

Find out how temporary confinement farrowing pens differ from conventional systems

18 August 2021

Find out how to switch to free or alternative farrowing systems while meeting the needs of the sow, piglets and stockperson.

23 September 2021

Learn about different types of alternative and free farrowing systems

15 May 2024

Find out what options are available when switching to free farrowing and other alternative systems.

16 August 2021

The Sheep Breed Survey results describe the breed structure of the British sheep industry at mating in 2020

22 June 2021

Ram breeding provides the genetics to increase the productivity of your customer’s flock. Performance recording means you can select and market the sheep with the most profitable genetics. Recording crossbred rams uses the same process as a pedigree flock, but you should consider hybrid vigour, ram and progeny uniformity and comparison of sheep.

29 July 2021

Chris has made improvements in his soil health and has also worked hard over the last two years to improve how he manages his ewe lambs

14 July 2021

Steven has increased his farming business by more than double, now extending to 307ha of mixed ground. With no increase in full time labour and significant changes underway within the business, find out what he plans to do next.
