Grassland Management
17 May 2023
In this webinar, AHDB Beef & Lamb Monitor Farmer David Cross, who has recently established a new enterprise alongside Pathway Farming, will talk about the changes being made on his farm.
3 May 2023
AHDB, LIC and BGS are pleased to invite you to this farm walk where we look forward to discussing the practical aspects of running a successful business through producing and utilising grass and forage.
3 November 2023
Based on target areas and dates, we explain how to use our planner to maximise grass intakes this spring.
3 November 2023
With the 2023 grazing season now underway, this is an ideal time to review last year’s grazing and nutrient performance on the farm.
14 October 2022
Dealing with the dry weather of 2022 - a livestock farmer's view
4 October 2022
An update on grass cover trial, including a look at how pig paddocks have held up during prolonged dry periods.
5 October 2022
When it comes to agriculture and food production, protecting and improving soil health is vital to environmental and business sustainability.
15 September 2022
Prolonged dry summers are becoming a frequent challenge to UK farming, so knowing how to deal with them is increasingly important when planning your grazing season.
10 June 2022
If you want to try new ways to establish green protein forages and are able to offer up to 0.5ha during the 2022 growing season then we would like to hear from you.
10 June 2022
If it hasn’t rained in two weeks and the forecast is for no rain in the next two weeks, then halve or eliminate the inorganic nitrogen fertiliser application you are about to make. Don’t bother playing catch-up by applying more later, the opportunity has gone. Just ensure you make applications when the rain returns.
1 June 2022
Fast clamp filling is efficient – it no longer takes three weeks to fill a clamp with a herd’s winter feed.
18 May 2022
Ruminant News spring/summer 2022 - with the recent rise in the cost of living and energy bills, this issue is very much focused on reducing fixed costs on farm. One farmer talks about reducing labour and medicine costs through using Targeted Selective Treatment when it comes to their worm control within his flock, whilst a beef suckler farmer talks about how he has reduced fertiliser use and reduced feed costs by optimising his grazing and has increased his outputs by doubling his herd size. The magazine also contains the fantastic results in changing consumer buying habits following the We Eat Balanced campaign and there are some dates for your diary on the back too.