Beef & Lamb

7 April 2022

Liveweight lamb prices bounced up again in the most recent week, with the OSL SQQ reaching 274.89p/kg. This is the highest the quote has stood so far this year.

6 April 2022

In the week ending 2 April, GB deadweight cattle prices experienced further price gains.

1 April 2022

Sales of red meat pre-prepared meals have grown 2.4% in the last year, with the number of shoppers choosing convenient meals now at a five-year high.

31 March 2022

Global beef export prices were rising through most of 2021 although they did cool slightly during the fourth quarter. Although this took the edge off prices slightly, they are still elevated compared to historic averages.

31 March 2022

The size of the UK national breeding flock grew last year, standing at 14.5 million head on the 1 December, according to Defra data.

31 March 2022

The OSL SQQ rose by nearly 6p to 267.90p/kg

20 February 2024

UK prices follow global price rises in response to the war between Russia and Ukraine.

2 January 2024

An extra 1.2m kg of cheese was sold this Valentine’s versus 2020

30 March 2022

Cattle prices are currently at their highest since 2014 amongst continuing rises in input costs.

25 March 2022

Ewe breeding flocks have been involved in weight recording programmes for over 50 years. The reasons breeders were interested in flock recording back then are the same today. Breeders need an unbiased way to find those rams and ewes in the flock with the best genetic potential.

24 March 2022

Liveweight lamb prices picked up in the week ending 23 March. The OSL SQQ stood at 262.08p/kg, up nearly 3p from the week before.

24 March 2022

The total number of cattle, sheep and pigs in Ireland all increased year-on-year, according to the latest survey.
