Beef & Lamb

1 July 2020

The second year of a campaign by the British levy bodies has succeeded in reaching 17 million people, helping to bring a more balanced perspective to public discussion around the health properties of red meat.

14 July 2021

After several weeks of sharp rises, GB cattle prices were largely steady this week.

28 January 2021

This article focuses on the main factors that will influence the red meat sector in the coming years, particularly in light of the two major events of 2020, the coronavirus outbreak, and the upcoming deadline for Brexit.

3 July 2020

Our Meat Purchasing Guide (MPG) app has been updated

14 July 2021

The drought in Australia has ended, and cattle farmers there are now looking to restock which limit production this year.

26 January 2022

In this month’s update, analyst Hannah Clarke takes you through a quick round-up of the latest developments in the UK beef market, including prices, production and trade.

26 January 2022

AHDB red meat analyst Rebecca Wright gives an update on the latest trends for the UK lamb market.

14 July 2021

The post-coronavirus recovery of Ireland’s beef throughputs could cast uncertainty over GB prices.

13 July 2021

Liveweight lamb prices have had a bumper week this week. The GB liveweight NSL SQQ gained 12p, to 226.64p/kg. Industry reports suggest supplies were below demand.

14 July 2021

Prime cattle supplies have picked up slightly, attracted by the higher prices, but also perhaps by farmers looking to take the pressure off available grazing.

9 July 2020

Strategic Farm event with guest speakers

19 June 2020

Successful buffer feeding not only helps slow down the rotation and conserve grass for grazing, it can also be cost-effective if you reduce waste, maintain milk yields and generate payback. While feeding in the paddock is a cheaper option, it risks encouraging local wildlife into the paddock, which isn’t good for TB management.
