Beef & Lamb

13 July 2021

The liveweight NSL SQQ averaged 325.49p/kg, 17.5p lower than a week earlier.

13 July 2021

Auction market throughput over the past year shows Brexit influencing sheep farmer decision-making.

13 March 2024

The latest UK trade data from HMRC shows that beef shipments during March remained lower in both directions year-on-year.

14 July 2021

During March, Irish cattle slaughter (incl. cows and calves) dropped back by 6.1% on the same month last year, according to according to Central Statistics Office data. Overall, Q1 Irish cattle slaughter fell by 13.6% year on year to total 434,100 head.

20 May 2021

The fifth-year results from the RamCompare project reveal how rams with key breeding traits can drive productivity and optimise flock profitability.

13 July 2021

Total exports of UK fresh and frozen sheep meat lifted 7% year-on-year in March, to total 5,900 tonnes.

19 May 2021

What COVID behaviours do we see sticking around for the longer-term?

30 May 2024

Recommended Grass and Clover Lists (RGCL). This version of the RGCL is specifically for industry specialists to aid farmers in their variety selections for mixtures.

14 July 2021

Deadweight cattle prices eased a little in the week ended 15 May, but remain at unusually high levels as the market for beef continues to be firm.

8 December 2021

Dietary preferences are as individualised as clothing these days and the food we choose to eat, or not to eat, is often used as a badge to signal deeper interest in health, pleasure or ethics.

19 May 2021

Recommended Grass and Clover Lists (RGCL). This version of the RGCL is specifically for industry specialists to aid farmers in their variety selections for mixtures.

28 June 2021

This webinar will be focusing on innovative integrated organic farming strategies that can also be beneficially utilised within conventional farming operations so to improve the overall health and performance of the business.
