Lamb prices slip but still above usual spring peak

Thursday, 16 December 2021

By Rebecca Wright

Lamb prices have slipped slightly this week, reflecting that the Christmas kill will now be winding down. During the week ending the 15 December, the GB liveweight NSL SQQ fell 7p, to 271.87p/kg. While this is a week-on-week downwards movement, prices are by no means low, standing nearly 60p above year earlier levels. If we go back to before 2021, prices are even above what we would usually see in the spring.

GB lamb prices above spring highs December 2021

Throughputs were very strong this week compared to other recent weeks at 138,244 head. This was 10% below the volume seen in the same week last year.

GB lamb prices exceptionally high in 2021

Meanwhile, deadweight prices continued to climb, reflecting trends previously recorded in liveweight prices. The GB deadweight NSL SQQ gained 13.2p, to 631.8p/kg in the week ended 11 December. The quote currently stands almost 150p above year earlier levels. Again, as with liveweight prices, the deadweight SQQ is above what we would usually expect to see in the springtime.

Estimated kill for the week ticked up compared to the prior week, to 260,000 head.

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