Beef & Lamb

10 October 2022

The UK and New Zealand signed a comprehensive and far-reaching Free Trade Agreement (FTA). This is the second major FTA to be agreed post-EU exit after the one signed with Australia in 2021.

29 September 2022

How we manage suckler cows during pregnancy can have a big impact on calf lifetime performance.

1 August 2022

UK lamb will have plenty of commercial opportunities within the US once shipments commence, according to an American meat importer.

1 August 2022

Tickets now on sale for Sheep Breeders Round Table – a Premier conference for UK sheep farmers

11 November 2022

UK sheep genetics delivering for the nation

18 August 2022

The UK -New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is the first trade deal in which New Zealand has agreed an animal welfare chapter. Alongside each country’s World Trade Organisation (WTO) commitments, the key objective within the deal is to enhance cooperation between the countries on the welfare of farmed animals.

4 August 2022

Our latest forecasts for slaughter, production, consumption and trade for 2022.

16 August 2022

James Taylor joined the Beef & Lamb sector council two years ago

29 July 2022

In the week ending 27 July, the GB NSL liveweight SQQ averaged 248.24p/kg, down 40p from the previous week.

6 September 2022

New House Farm is home to 800 North Country Mules and homebred Suffolk-X ewes. Suffolk tups are bought to go over the mules, crossbred terminal sires to go over the Suffolks and homebred Blue Texels for mating ewe lambs.

2 January 2024

In this blog post by Susie Stannard we discuss whether the addition of calorie information to menus, whilst helpful for the physical health of some consumers, might pose challenges to the mental health of others and ask whether there may be more sensitive ways to approach information delivery.

31 January 2023

My thinking about the direction of travel of carbon markets and the importance of natural capital
