UK and US suspend trade dispute

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

By David Swales

An agreement has been reached between the UK and the US to temporarily suspend the tariffs imposed on a variety of products as a result of the longstanding Airbus-Boeing dispute for five years.

Higher rate tariffs were imposed on a range of products from October 2019, at a rate of 25% on the value of the product. In terms of the agricultural sector, the products impacted most included pork and dairy.  There was already a four-month temporary suspension in place from March 2021.

When the tariffs were imposed, the key products affected included:

  • Whisky and other spirits where exports dropped by 26% from £1.4 billion in 2019 to just over £1 billion last year.
  • Over £32 million of pork, with higher welfare pork the focus. This fell 43% to £19 million last year.
  • Over £54 million of cheese, with the US market key for organic exports. This fell 20% to £44 million last year
  • Close to £7 million of butter, which fell 27% to £5 million last year

What’s next?

The agreement reached involves a five-year suspension – but both parties will be looking to reach a longer-term solution. Earlier this year talks on a UK free-trade deal with the US stopped, and there are no details on when they might resume.  The US is key market for the UK accounting for around a sixth of the UK’s total trade - more than 10 times as much as with Australia, with whom a deal was struck earlier in the week.

Image of staff member David Swales

David Swales

Head of Economics and Analysis Operations (Livestock)

See full bio

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