Store cattle price reflect trends within the finished market

Thursday, 10 February 2022

Store cattle prices have continued to record strength over the past few months, reflecting developments in the market for finished cattle. Given the time it takes to finish animals, it is interesting how closely prices are correlated in real time. In essence a store animal is an investment which will be realised in the future, sometimes many months in the future.

Chart showing growth of store cattle prices and finished cattle prices

Chart showing correlation between growth in store cattle prices and finished prices

Of course, expectations have a part to play, and perhaps these are as influential as the supply and demand for particular store cattle on the day. Over the past 12 months Continental (X) and Hereford (X) store cattle prices have continued to reflect trends within finished prices.

Meanwhile, Holstein/Friesian (X) steer price growth has vastly outpaced that of their counterparts. This is despite perceptions that changes to milk buyers’ policies would create a large increase in supply of black and white males coming to market. Calf registrations from dairy dams has shot up this year. However, this entire growth is from beef calves from dairy dams.

Chart shoiwng how dairy type store cattle prices have grown more than finished prices

Find out what finished market conditions are forecast to be like over the coming year in AHDB’s latest Agri-market outlook.

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