Mixed movement for GB lamb prices

Thursday, 22 October 2020

In the week ending 21 October, the GB liveweight NSL SQQ price averaged 195.35p/kg, a fall of 5.84p on the week. The measure is still going strong for the time of year, 34.77p above the five-year average.

Throughputs at GB marts were estimated to be 119,975 head during the week, down 1% on the week before. Trade was reportedly more difficult this week in some areas of the country, with uncertainty over domestic demand due to tighter COVID-19 measures coming into place. Autumn fieldwork may also be keeping some producers away from marts, hence the slowing of numbers over the last couple of weeks.

Deadweight lamb prices fared better during the week ending 17 October, with the NSL SQQ measure rising 6p on the week to average 441.6p/kg. Estimated slaughterings at GB abattoirs totalled 260,700 head, down 2% on the week before and down 6% on a year ago.

Image of staff member Hannah Clarke

Hannah Clarke

Senior Analyst (Red Meat)

See full bio

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