Marginal year-on-year increase for GB milk production in June
Monday, 10 July 2023
In June, GB milk deliveries totalled 1,045m litres, an increase of only 4m litres (0.4%) compared to June last year, with daily deliveries averaging 34.82m litres per day. This brings the total GB milk volume for the first three months of the season (Apr-Jun) to 3,284m litres, a 0.5% (15m litre) increase on the same point last season.
Grass growth had been relatively good in the early part of the season according to our Forage for Knowledge database. However, quality has been reported as varied, and growth rates dropped off significantly in late May and throughout June due to the hot dry weather. This will have impacted on milk yields, potentially encouraging some farmers to dry off thinner cows early to maintain welfare and remove culls from farm to reduce grazing pressure. The prolonged hot and dry spell may also have an impact on forage stocks later in the year.
Despite the inflationary pressure on some input costs now easing, the continued declines in milk prices are impacting on farmers decision-making, with little appetite to push yields. In the first six months of 2023, farmgate milk prices have lost more than they gained in the last six months of 2022. The GB overall average increased by nearly 7.5ppl Jul-Dec22 but has declined by almost 12.0ppl Jan-Jun23.

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