Soil classification (type)

Knowing the different types of soil, how soil is classified and which type you are working with is vital for growing success.

Geology and soil formation

Geology determines the soil parent material and its properties, including soil depth, stoniness, mineralogy, and texture. Find out how soils form and how they are classified.

Find out more about geology and soil formation

Characteristics of different soils

Discover the key properties of the main soil types, including sand, silt, clay, loam, peat, and chalk.

Learn the characteristics of different soils

Soil texture and cation exchange capacity

The amount of primary particles in soil defines its texture. Cation exchange capacity reflects the ability of a soil to hold positively charged cations (including important nutrients).

Read all about texture and cation exchange capacity

Useful links

Learn about GREATsoils

Read the Principles of soil management guide

If you would like to order a hard copy of Principles of soil management, please use our online order form or call 0247 799 0069.

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Image of staff member Amanda Bennett

Amanda Bennett

Senior Environment Manager (soil health and nutrient management)

See full bio
