Safe use of veterinary medicines

Past Event - booking closed

Tuesday, 04 February 2025

1:00pm - 4:00pm

Our Stockperson Development Scheme workshops focus on basic knowledge and everyday tasks. The training is aimed at industry newcomers and those wanting to refresh their knowledge or learn about a different department. 

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Identify types of medicines used on farm
  • Explain the legal requirements and health and safety considerations for safe storage and use of veterinary medicines
  • Demonstrate correct injection methods
  • Explain when recovery pens should be used and how to manage them daily
  • Identify two key considerations when moving and handling pigs

Booking details

Cost: £30+VAT

To register, please complete and return this application form

A maximum of four people per business can attend the training. If you would like to book more places than this, or have any other queries, please get in touch. 

T: 01904 771218

The training will be delivered online via Microsoft Teams. This reduces the time participants need to take out of the business, reduces any biosecurity risk and provides an opportunity for more people to take part in the training.

Find out more about the Stockperson Development Scheme.



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.


T 01904 771218

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