Lean management for pig farmers

Past Event - booking closed

Wednesday, 06 October 2021

7:00pm - 9:00pm

Webinar recording

Join us for an online meeting with KE Manager Patrick Loten and find out how you can make your business more efficient.

Guest speakers

Neil FeddenManaging Consultant at Fedden USP

David Childerhouse, outdoor producer in Norfolk selling 1,000 weaners per week

Bethan Wilkins, AHDB Senior Analyst (Red Meat)

During the meeting Neil and David will talk about our SmartPork project. Through SmartPork, we are working with farmers (Monitor Farms) to implement Lean Management techniques which will improve on-farm efficiency and cut out 'waste'. Find out what this looks like from a producer's point of view and take the opportunity to pick our brains.

Bethan will also be providing an update on the current market and the outlook for the coming months.


Get in touch with Patrick if you'd like to register:

E: patrick.loten@ahdb.org.uk T: 07990 441699

If you use PigPro to keep a record of your training and development, don’t forget to record your attendance at pigpro.ahdb.org.uk.

We will run the session through Microsoft Teams – you can join via your computer or mobile phone. Once you have registered, we'll send you login details, but if you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.

E patrick.loten@ahdb.org.uk

T 07990 441699

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