EU exit and the red meat trade: a view from Europe

Past Event

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

10:00am - 11:30am

Webinar recording

Red meat exporters will have the chance to explore the changes ahead in the way they trade with the EU in the latest of our series of export-focused webinars.

Delegates will also hear from key European competitors about how EU exit is affecting their domestic industries and what they are doing to prepare.

The event will feature a series of short presentations followed by a round table question and answer session, chaired by AHDB’s International Market Development Director Dr Phil Hadley.

He will be joined by Knud Buhl from the Danish Bacon and Meat Council and Cormac Healy from Meat Industry Ireland, to lend a European Union perspective on the challenges and opportunities presented by the UK’s exit from the EU.

Also on the speaker panel is Tania Gesto Casás, AHDB’s policy manager based in Brussels, who will go through the current state of play in UK/EU negotiations.



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