Calf post-mortem: Pneumonia lung damage

Past Event

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

7:00pm - 8:30pm

Join us for a webinar where Ben Strugnell, a farm vet, will perform a calf post-mortem demonstrating the irreparable lung damage caused by pneumonia. During the evening, he will also discuss the potential impact lung damage can have on lifetime performance and strategies to reduce pneumonia risk.

Pneumonia is one of the most significant diseases affecting calves, costing the UK cattle industry an estimated £50 million each year. The disease causes inflammation of the lungs and airways, often resulting in irreversible damage. According to the results of our fallen stock project, pneumonia is the biggest cause of mortality in young cattle. Find out more about Fallen stock: phase II.

This webinar will cover:

  • The different severity of lung damage caused by pneumonia
  • Why early diagnosis and treatment is essential to prevent lung damage and reduce long-term animal performance
  • The impact of pneumonia on animal lifetime performance

Throughout the webinar there will be opportunity to ask any questions you have regarding treatment and prevention of the disease.

This webinar is part of the AHDB pneumonia campaign, helping you and your calves breathe easier this winter.

DairyPro points are available for this event.




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