Advanced weaner management (indoor)

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

1:00pm - 5:00pm

Our Stockperson Plus training programme consists of problem-solving workshops designed to build on existing pig husbandry knowledge. The course naturally follows on from the Stockperson Development Scheme (SDS) to further develop the technical skills of pig unit staff.

The training is suitable for stockpeople who:

  • Have significant previous experience, or
  • Have completed the Stockperson Development Scheme, or
  • Want to progress to become a supervisor or manager

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Better prepare the weaner accommodation, with a deeper understanding of cleaning and disinfectant practices including the water delivery system
  • Identify and explain the key parts of the ventilation system, heating equipment, sensors and their basic maintenance
  • Understand the relationship between lighting and pig behaviour after weaning, including the potential impact on feed and water intake
  • Identify where improvements can be made to management and handling techniques when weaners arrive and leave the unit, and during the vaccination process, group sizing and sexing, etc.
  • Explain the challenges that weaned pigs face during the first 14 days after weaning and how these relate to pig health, immunity and gut development
  • Adapt practices to improve feed and water intake during the first 48 hours after weaning and recognise the impact of social feeding behaviours
  • Identify and explain the importance of water hygiene and availability during the growing period and how to track feed intake against growth targets
  • Understand what the colour and consistency of dung can indicate during the early stages of the growing period
  • Identify the triggers and early warning signs of potential health and growth challenges
  • Understand the importance of vermin control and incorporate management routines to control and record activity

Booking details

Cost: £40+VAT

To register, please complete and return this application form

A maximum of four people per business can attend the training. If you would like to book more places than this, or have any other queries, please get in touch. 

T: 01904 771218

The training will be delivered online via Microsoft Teams. This reduces the time participants need to take out of the business, reduces any biosecurity risk and provides an opportunity for more people to take part in the training.

Find out more about the Stockperson Plus training.



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.


T 01904 771218

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