Contents tagged with trade and policy

17 February 2023

Prospects for UK agri-food exports in Asia

17 February 2023

North America export opportunities

17 February 2023

How much of each agri-food product does the UK produce?

6 April 2023

A look at where the UK currently exports to outside of the EU

17 February 2023

AHDB’s chair introduces its 2023 work on exports.

17 February 2023

Asia: Economic overview

17 February 2023

Asia: How much do they consume?

17 February 2023

Asia: Market access and barriers to trade

17 February 2023

Asia: Consumer insight

17 February 2023

Asia: Where do the opportunities lie, by country

17 February 2023

North America: Economic overview

17 February 2023

North America: How much do they consume?
