Contents tagged with production

30 January 2024

What impact are semen sales expected to have on the number of calves being born in the dairy herd over the coming months?

4 January 2022

A data driven approach to understand ewe, lamb, flock and farmer factors influencing production in lowland farms

13 July 2021

New Zealand adult sheep kill has been high so far this year. However, it has been a tale of two halves with kill levels high earlier in the season and lower now.

13 July 2021

French lamb prices have continued to decline in recent weeks.

30 January 2024

The first year of GB organic daily deliveries allows us to compare the seasonal profile with conventional volumes

30 January 2024

High levels of fat and protein have lifted milk solids production for the first 2 months of the 2021/22 season

30 January 2024

The number of 0-6 month old dairy females has been rising since January 2020, with lifts of over 5% lifts in all of the last 3 quarters

30 January 2024

Organic GB milk deliveries for May are put at 47.3m litres

30 January 2024

GB milk production is expected to grow 0.3% to 12.58bn litres in 2021/22, according to our June forecast update.

14 July 2021

According to the latest data from Defra, UK beef production was 1.2% higher in May compared to the same month last year.

30 January 2024

Milk production off English farms has remained much unchanged in 2020/21, while processing increased

30 January 2024

As we start collecting GB organic milk production data, April 2021 is put at 45.3m litres, 0.4m litres below last year.
