Milk production drops back again

Monday, 23 August 2021

By Bronwyn Magee

Average GB daily milk deliveries declined in the week ending 14 August, dropping back 0.6% week-on-week. Average deliveries for the week stood at 32.30 million litres per day, 1.1% less than the same week last year, and 1.6% below forecasted volumes.

Cooler weather and rainfall have impacted milk deliveries in recent weeks. Grass growth rates dropped below the five-year average at the end of July, although have since improved. As such, volumes have flattened off recently, having rapidly declined from the peak in spring, with production currently following a similar trend to what we saw in 2018. 


We will be updating our forecast in early September following its regular review. This will give an indication of where we expect production will head over coming months.  

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