Contents tagged with production

30 January 2024

We recently published analysis on calf registrations, by system, but how do calving systems impact milk production through the year?

30 January 2024

From January, milk from an imported dairy cow won't be useable in exports to the EU for 3 months

30 January 2024

In the key calving months of Feb, Mar, Aug and Sep block calving can account for a third of overall calvings

30 January 2024

Average GB daily milk deliveries declined in the week ending 14 August, dropping back 0.6% week-on-week.

30 January 2024

In 2020, 16.0% of dairy farmers in GB were operating block calving systems

30 January 2024

The latest daily deliveries show the impact as cooler weather and rain swept across the country from 24 July

5 August 2021

Prime cattle prices rose across the board in the latest reporting week, despite an increase in throughputs

3 August 2021

Love Lamb Week (LLW) is celebrating its seventh year with a focus on the sustainability of lamb production in the UK.

30 January 2024

Global milk supplies were up 3.3% in May, providing an extra 26 million litres per day compared with May last year

30 January 2024

Daily GB milk volumes are now running 4.1 million litres per day lower than at peak, the most dramatic fall in at least 10 years.

15 July 2021

Lamb and ewe kill both once again recorded large year-on-year declines during June, according to Defra data. Lamb kill stood at 881,000 head for the month down 11% on the year.

12 July 2021

These PTAs show the potential for production traits, such as milk, fat, protein and persistency, to be passed on to the next generation.
