Contents tagged with prices

8 September 2023

We round up the latest stats for Irish beef production, trade and prices

31 August 2023

Since peaking at the record high of 215.47p/kg in the penultimate week of July, EU pig reference prices have been in steady decline.

31 August 2023

We explore the latest data on beef performance through retail.

25 August 2023

In the past few weeks, GB store sheep prices have remained firm as grass growth spurs interest.

19 February 2024

China’s dairy imports H1: Weak demand could drive global prices down further

21 September 2023

As pig prices continue to reach new heights, we look into the prices for July, how pork cost of production sits for Q2, and how it got there.

10 August 2023

A look at the latest trends in store cattle markets.

4 August 2023

Spring lamb prices continue their seasonal declines as lamb supplies grow but are holding up historically.

10 August 2023

GB beef prices have fallen over recent weeks. We examine the key market factors at play.

13 July 2023

GB prime cattle prices have fallen during the month of June but remain elevated on prices seen at the same period last year, as we see higher slaughter levels throughout the month.

12 July 2023

As domestic supplies continue to run tight pig prices have remained supported through the month of June, while carcase weights have also eased slightly.

9 June 2023

For the month of May the EU spec SPP averaged 220.68p/kg an increase of almost 2.5p from April.
